Radian 3 QXT All-in-One Convertible Carseat

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Radian 3 QXT All-in-One Convertible Carseat


The Ultimate 3 across all-in-one car seat that goes from birth to booster, accommodating 4 – 120 pounds. The Radian 3 QX has extensive rear-facing capabilities and can rear-face up to 50 pounds. It also features an improved rear-facing recline and easy 12 position adjustable headrest. Other features include a Safe+ steel core, Safe+ side impact protection and extended side walls, Safe+ anti-slip harness pads, Safe+ steel anti-rebound bar, newborn travel wedge for optimum infant positioning, comfort+ memory foam cushion for improved seat base comfort, and Safe+ side impact management pod.

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Gray Slate, Purple Plum, Blue Sky, Black Jet, Red Cherry, Yellow Mineral

Radian 3 QXT All-in-One Convertible Carseat

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